Children's Health

Simple Guide to Kid’s Nutrition

Body builders calculate their nutrient needs, but how many parents know what their children require to grow healthy bodies? Your kids may enjoy counting up their nutritional score to see if they reach health goals, and this may help them make informed choices for the rest of their lives.

Every process in the body requires protein that has been broken down into amino acids and even tinier particles called peptides. Protein sources include meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products like cheese and milk, nuts and seeds. Some beans and legumes have protein, but these are not adequate for humans on their own, and they must be twinned up with other proteins to be complete enough. So, beans and rice make a more complete protein.

Soy is not recommended for kids because soy has compounds that cause estrogen-like effects. This may cause early puberty and too much estrogen for male characteristics. Puberty, or the onset of menstruation and development from children’s bodies to adult bodies, used to occur from age 16-18 in Victorian times. Now kids as young as 8 are experiencing puberty and our modern lifestyle and foods are causing this shift. Fluoride is another cause of early puberty because of its effect on the pineal gland, which monitors the onset of puberty. So, consider this when you buy toothpaste for your kids. I raised my kids on non-fluoride toothpaste, but gave them specific nutrients for healthy teeth, and they had zero cavities growing up. Tooth health is built from the inside, because teeth are alive.

For a graph of how much protein your child needs at every age see here.

Kids also need healthy fats from butter, unrefined oils like coconut and olive, nuts and whole dairy products. I always suggest buying organic dairy and don’t buy low fat or skim products because they are more processed. You can make a healthy treat by mixing organic butter, peanut or almond butter, and raw coconut oil together. Use equal parts of each and mash together to form a thick oily paste. Add some sea salt and stevia, xylitol or raw honey to taste. Put in a small bowl or press into a small pan and let set in refrigerator until firm. Cut off small pieces and enjoy for a healthy sweet treat that offers the right fats for anyone to enjoy. Good fats can reduce sugar cravings and this is a treat you can offer anytime, even at bedtime.

Introduce vegetables young and fix them a variety of ways so your child can learn about the different tastes and textures. Make healthy dips to serve with raw veggies.  Help your kids to “eat their carbs green” to avoid the trap of grain-based snacks that offer lots of calories and little nutrition, as well as being addicting. Let your child cook with you and let them get creative.

I think that minerals are not rated highly enough as a vital nutrient for kids. We all talk about vitamins, which are necessary for various body functions. But minerals are vital as the actual building blocks of the cells. Mineral deficiency is also a cancer risk. Potassium, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, as well as trace minerals like copper, iodine, iron, chromium and selenium are vital. Manganese helps ligaments (which act as bands to connect bones) so if your child plays sports, manganese can help them avoid injury. For more on minerals see

Really talk to your kids about nutrients and help them to understand the liabilities of junk foods and sugar and the importance of nutrition to help their bodies grow and function. I find that kids are fascinated by books on the body with lots of pictures to help them see what is inside. There are some movies that can help. For older kids I like this one from National Geographic

I found that some of the movies that try to teach kids start out with too many big words without explaining them, which is one of the great challenges concerning the body. The inside parts were named in Latin for research purposes, and is a barrier to understanding how it all works. It also means that most doctors can’t talk to patients because the doctors only know how to speak “Latin medical” and that is missing from everyone else’s standard education.

Osmosis Jones films are another fun choice. 

“Kidding Around the Kitchen” offers weekly demos at the Hollywood/Atwater Farmers’ Market on Sundays, and will do birthday parties and cooking classes with different themes. If you have a budding chef, you might even be able to delegate some family meals!

On a site called Red Tricycle  there is a list of farms that welcome kids. Helping kids understand that food does not come packaged from the market will help them become more informed consumers. There are big issues with genetically modified foods and poisonous pesticides that are already impacting kids’ health. Seeing where food comes from may enhance their understanding of the need for real, whole foods.

For eating out, here is a site that has healthy options to fast food dining in LA.

I see many older people in their 80’s and 90’s who are in good shape because they grew up on healthy, complete foods. My concern for kids today is that those whole foods are disappearing from the American diet and there will be long-term health consequences. My own kids considered me a food-Nazi when they were growing up, but they are healthy today and voluntarily take lots of supplements now that they have seen for themselves how they feel when they don’t eat well.

Kids are fascinated by muscle testing and I have given demonstrations at several schools to help kids see how their bodies respond to whole foods vs. sugar and junk. Let me know if you have any questions about kids and health.










Back To School Special for Your Kids

All the stores are promoting supplies and clothes to get kids ready for school.  But the most important part of being a student is happening on the inside. Like adults, kids live emotional and mindful lives. Unlike adults they can’t always tell us about their stresses and body issues, which they may not fully understand.

Very few people of any age are eating a perfect diet. Kids may be picky about what they like and miss out on important nutrients. This can affect their performance in school as well as their emotional stability and physical development.

Even if your family is eating well, the nutrient content of food has declined, and is a concern to nutritional scientists. When you eat out you have no idea if you are getting any quality nutrition, with so many shortcuts to food preparation hat even good restaurants are taking to cut costs so they can serve giant portions of food. c

Helping kids to get the nutrition they need in a form they will agree to take may be tricky. But it can be done, especially if they are willing to drink a protein shake or smoothie. I taught my kids to take supplements at an early age by telling them to imagine that the supplements were surfers who had to “ride the wave”. If kids can swallow a bit of burger or a French fry they can get down a pill.

If your kids have any body problems natural medicine can provide answers. Just boosting their immune system can prevent school absences and the difficulty of trying to make up missed work.

Concentration problems are often adrenal related. Kids can have a high amount of stress in their lives and that may affect their adrenals.  Irregular menstrual periods are not “normal” and getting on the birth control pill is not the answer. It is far better to balance hormones so that a girl starts her adult life with a normal cycle. Did you know that menstruation should coincide with the moon and tides because the moon “draws” water. Women whose menstrual cycle follows the lunar cycle have less fertility problems later in life.  Women who are on the birth control pill for years are more likely to have fertility problems later on.

Acne may be related to toxins or to hormone imbalances. Drugs and hormones are not the safest answer. Getting to the root cause of the acne not only creates clear, beautiful skin, but prevents scarring and demonstrates the very real relationship between our hormones, our toxicity level, and our health.

Even if you, and many others in your family, had some of these issues, that does not mean they are genetic and fixed.

To help your kids be their healthiest, bring them in for an analysis. Kids’ first consultations are $75, half the adult price. Through 20 September get 10% off protein and nutritional shake powders for kids. You can help them start their day right with a delicious protein shake.

Don’t let your kids go vegan or vegetarian. Protein is vital for their development and mental stability. If they have questions about what they should eat, I am happy to answer them. How we farm and raise animals is often stupid and inhumane and we need to change those practices for the sake of all. But depriving your body of vital nutrients won’t change our farming system and could have long-term health consequences.

Looking forward to meeting your great kids and helping them stay healthy!

The Vaccine Question

Whenever you have two sides feeling passionately about an issue, it may be time to regroup and take a new look at the issue.  As a holistic practitioner with a Western health science degree, I have been very interested in the issue of vaccination, and the safety factor. I wrote my first research paper on vaccination injury as an undergraduate at Ohio State University. I learned then that our approach to vaccination is inadequate and risky.

Would parents be against safe immunization that truly protected their child and was also completely safe?  Perhaps those with religious reasons oppose vaccination altogether.  But many concerned parents are not “anti” vaccine. They are simply anti a medical procedure that has not been proven safe and effective. The question is whether the risk of vaccination injury outweighs any benefit. The definition of immunity is the recognition of a pathogen and an immediate and correct response from the immune system so that the pathogen is contained before the disease has a chance to take hold.

This is not what current vaccinations do for children. Vaccinations stimulate an immune response, but in infants it is not the correct response. Until about the age of 1 year, infants get an immune response that weakens their immune system, instead of strengthening it.

True immunity is not established by vaccination and that is why booster shots are required.

If you are getting your information from the general media, please understand that you are being woefully misinformed. Media is run by corporate interests, so you are getting the “company line” of the pharmaceutical companies. For many children vaccination is a “clear and present danger”, to borrow a term from the military. Even the CDC Chief has admitted publicly (on CNN) that some children, about one in sixty, carry genetic information that might lead to autism, if there is a trigger, such as vaccinations or other trauma. That is a pretty high number of kids to put at risk.

There have been no long-term studies on the safety of the multiple vaccinations that are being performed today. And injecting a child’s body with 49 doses of vaccination before age six and 69 doses before age eighteen, with no long-term studies, seems like a crapshoot. In the U.S. there have been no reported cases of Diphtheria for years, and there are only 4-5,000 cases worldwide, yet it is still on the infant vaccination schedule.

For a table of contagious disease statistics worldwide see this from WHO.

There are other worrisome factors. After 1988, the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine was grown on fetal tissue from aborted fetuses. Some of the fetal tissue gets injected with the vaccine. After this, autism rates spiked. This is documented, and not a myth. Regardless of how you feel about abortion, does it make any sense to use human tissue to inject in an infant? The fetal tissue used has been “grown” from earlier fetal cells, so it is not supposed to be fresh fetal tissue. Nevertheless, the safety of these vaccines has not been established.

Heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury (thimerosal) are used in vaccines.  We know that heavy metal toxicity is a risk factor for all humans.

The C-section rate in the United States is 25%. The baby’s gut is seeded with vital flora as the baby passes through the birth canal and receives healthy bacteria orally from the mother’s vagina. Often women who have a C-section birth do not breast-feed. The immune system of a newborn is dependent on vaginal birth and the immunological factors in mother’s milk.

The umbilical cords of newborns contain 200 environmental toxins, according to studies. This means that the infant is exposed before it leaves the womb.

Perhaps autism is a perfect storm of factors that could be controlled. We can reduce the toxic burden in the environment. We can improve maternal nutrition and health care to reduce C-section rates. We can encourage breast-feeding.

And we can do the studies and research to make safe and effective vaccines. One safe alternative may be homeopathic vaccines called “homeoprophylaxis”. HP has been used for cholera, polio, meningitis and other diseases. The level of protection is comparable to pharmaceutical vaccines, with absolutely no risks of adverse effects or injury. In fact, the homeopathic approach may actually strengthen the immune system, rather than assault it.

And we can uphold the rights of all parents to make health decisions for their family. Remember that giving up freedoms to central controls is never a good road to travel. It inevitably leads to less freedom for everyone.

Given the fact that we have rising childhood statistics on obesity, asthma, cancer, developmental and behavioral problems, and autoimmune issues, along with autism, I suggest that the Pharmaceutical companies should be required to do everything it takes to ensure the long-term health and well being of our children. It is very possible that the current method of vaccination will seem as wrong-headed as bloodletting, in years to come. Parents are now trained to take their kids to the doctors on regular schedules, which makes money for the pediatricians, but has not produced a healthier generation of kids. No one is demanding that Pharmaceutical companies take responsibility for what they inject in our children. In fact, the law says that you cannot sue for vaccine injury, except in a special Vaccine Injury Court. If vaccines are so safe, why pass such a law?

If you choose to vaccinate, there are ways to do it more safely, and I am happy to pass on that information. But I also ask that you respect the health freedom of those who choose not to vaccinate, whether for religious or health reasons. Denying basic rights like personal choices about medical treatment is a slippery slope. The next freedom to be taken away may be one that you hold dear.

Herd immunity theory is a completely unproven, and I suggest that it is used to frighten parents into compliance. Your immune system does not care at all whether my immune system is immunized or not. You are a separate system completely, and you will fight your own immune battles and I will fight mine.  We already have very high numbers of vaccinated children, and almost no contagious childhood disease.  We need to focus on other health issues for our kids, like nutrition and physical activity. A healthy diet, beginning with breast milk as an infant, will do more for the immune system and protection from disease than almost any other measure. We can agree on one important thing. We want the best possible health for our children.

For more information on homeopathic vaccination, here is a free course.

How To Know if You Have a Food Intolerance

You can probably recognize an actual food allergy.  Classic symptoms would be hives or difficulty breathing.

But food intolerances are harder to spot. They may not appear immediately and you may mistake the symptoms for a variety of other issues.

More and more people have food intolerances these days, even kids. As our food supply is more chemical, and the “natural foods” have more pesticides and are genetically modified, the human body is faced with trying to break down and metabolize an entire new type of ingestibles.

You can’t really call some of this “food” anymore, since lab-created chemicals or chemical/food hybrids won’t actually support human life.  These pseudo-foods will kill slowly, and they won’t support healthy physiology and function of organs and glands, so the quality of life suffers. This is why many obese people are actually starving at a cellular level.

The benefits of addressing food intolerances include:

1) Easier weight loss   2) better, deeper sleep   3) reduction of cravings  4) less PMS 5) mood stability  6) less bloating  7) improved immunity.

Even if you don’t suspect that a food you are eating is bothering you, check out this list. You may be surprised.

A short list of symptoms that could point to food intolerance includes stomach pain, reflux, ear infections, frequent illnesses, red cheeks, eczema, joint pain, frequent diarrhea/constipation, asthma, temper tantrums, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, headaches, failure to thrive, excessive gas, and sleep disturbances.

On one hand, eliminating foods that your body can’t handle will help. On the other hand, improving digestion, from stomach to gut, is also vital. Food intolerances are an indication of “leaky gut” which means that the gut wall is compromised and toxins or undigested foods are able to pass through to the blood. Normally the body is very protective of what goes into the blood, and anything that slips by the protective mechanism is going to trigger an immune response, and may lead to chronic inflammation-one of the main risks for heart disease.

Probiotics and digestive enzymes can be used by most people to support healthy digestion and replace the protective gut “bugs” that guard the intestinal walls. Fermented and cultured foods also help. We now know that food is not just a matter of putting gas in your tank. It is also a means of maintaining a strong fortress against disease.

So, if you have some puzzling symptoms, consider that something you are eating may be causing you digestive distress and compromising your immune system. It is far more likely that you are suffering from inflammation than a serious disease. But chronic inflammation from a gut and stomach that are not working correctly leaves you susceptible to disease. So, catch it early. You will feel so much better for it.