Immune system

Real-Life Goblins and Ghouls and A Simple Remedy

Every culture in the world has had stories of mischievous or malevolent creatures that interact in our human world in various ways. Goblins may be even be kind of cute and not really harmful, expect for those few who behave in a more sinister manner. Of course, the same could be said for humans!

Ghouls, however, are a different story. The word itself comes from the Arabic “to seize.” Ghouls were known in folklore to lure people into graveyards or deserts to eat them. Greedy or glutinous people have sometimes been referred to as ghouls. It makes sense when you consider that certain types of addictions (including money) seem to replace the soul and destroy the person from within.

Halloween seems like the perfect time to evaluate our own protection against these creatures. Recently I had a very interesting conversation with someone who has years of experience in private security, as well as extensive military and counter-terrorism training. He told me that the two most important aspects of security are deterrence and buying time.

We can apply this to our goals for a long health span and avoiding the debilitating consequences of chronic ill-health that plague the majority of Americans.

There are a vast number of steps that can be taken to deter ill-health. You can probably list a number of them for yourself. Most of them are common sense and fundamental, without even adding in all the bio-hacks from the gurus in fitness and extreme sports.

The often unknown and rarely considered element is buying time. What is the most challenging aspect of a cancer diagnosis? It’s the fact that the cancer may be encroaching on the body rapidly and the oncologist will push for immediate treatment. This causes a panicked approach in the patient and the family to get it out NOW. The time seems to be sucked out, allowing no nuanced or holistic approaches to how the cancer took root in the first place. The oncologist is applying his/her training, that nothing else except poisoning by surgery, drugs and radiation will work quickly enough, or at all.

In some cases, this may be true regarding an aggressive cancer. Other life-threatening conditions seem to rob us of the time we have to be healthy and productive. Neurological conditions are an example, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and Dementia. These may linger for decades with a slow decline.

Diabetes is an epidemic in the United States and causes more blindness, amputation, and kidney failure than any other cause.

Here is the crazy truth. These are all metabolic diseases. They are all caused by choices we make, and the lack of regulation from the agencies who decide what is allowed in our food and our environment.

I wonder how different our lives would have been if we didn’t have ultra-processed foods like seed oils and high-fructose corn syrup in all our prepared foods or if our food crops weren’t GMOed and sprayed with glyphosate and other pesticides?

Would Americans be the most unhealthy of all the Western countries? And would we be spending 17.3% of our GDP (gross national product) on “healthcare,” which should actually be called by what it really is-sick care. i

You might say that these diseases are ghouls and goblins, but those who profit by selling us garbage to eat, and market sickness to us at every turn are the real ghouls.

Okay, you know that our food and environment is affecting our health. But you are busy and there are other more pressing issues for you right now. So, what can you do that doesn’t require more time and money than you want to spend right now?

If you look at disease progression, what happens is that toxins and harmful chemicals and seed oils and excess sugar damage cells and tissue. That is the simplicity of what occurs. So, first is deterrence, which means eliminate the dangerous substance. Maybe pick one area that you know is toxic, such as a personal care item or processed food and change it out for something healthier.

The second one is buy time. Chronic health problems usually take years or even decades to reach a critical level, although the time period has gotten shorter, especially for people who have lots of pharmaceutical interventions of any kind, even when they are life-saving.

Getting rid of some of the toxins can help buy time for your body to rebalance and repair. Big detox programs are wonderful and highly recommended on a regular basis. But you have to carve out time to do those when there aren’t a million distractions.

I have been using a new Detox product that is for daily use, and I have seen some excellent results. Some weight loss, better sleep, less congestion, less joint pain, more energy and stamina are a few. Start with one capsule and work up to 3/day. There may be a very slight detox response at first. I was a bit more tired and achey but also slept very well. I take one first thing in the morning with warm water and again in the evening. This detox product is mostly made of enzymes, with some herbs for liver, inflammation and parasites. Take the Detox supplement on an empty stomach, and take digestive enzymes (Biozyme, Enzycore, Zypan, MF 90) with meals.

This is a great preparation for the Holidays coming up, and could be used right through the Holiday feasting.

One of the interesting things about the body is that the more healthy things you do, the less the body wants unhealthy things. So, simple changes like adding regular detoxification and digestive enzymes may subtly improve your health and make it easier to avoid the constant temptations all around us.

Also, this is a simple remedy for those people in our lives who aren’t making the healthiest choices and really don’t want to learn (or hear) about it.

There are fairly painless ways to resist the Ghouls, and avoid the Goblins, improving your defense. Some wise prevention can help you avoid the crises moment when there is no time to think clearly. I don’t want anyone to have to give up the Ghost any sooner than they have to. So, I hope this little Trick will be the real Treat your body needs for your health and happiness

Let me know if you want to try the Detox supplement. We ship every from the office every day.

i,see%20the%20downloadable%20files%20below. in this section&text=U.S. health care spending grew,see the downloadable files below.

Eat Foods You Love and Get More Fiber!

There are other foods many people love that also contain fiber, and it all adds up. Coffee is an example. An 8-oz cup may contain 1.5 grams of protein. If you drink more than one cup of coffee a day, that adds up. Studies show that most people benefit from small amounts coffee, unless you are particularly sensitive to it.

 100 grams of dark chocolate (70-85% cacao) has 11 grams of fiber. And cocoa has 4 grams per two tablespoons of powder.

 Fruits like raspberries are a delicious way to get more fiber and summer and Fall are the perfect times to top up your fiber needs.

 One-quarter cup of almonds has 4 grams of fiber. Of course, raw is always better than roasted when it comes to the health benefits of nuts.

 An avocado has 14 grams of fiber; so one half has 7 grams. I have been making a simple guacamole lately, to add to lettuce-wrap sandwiches. Just add lime juice, salt, red pepper flakes, and your favorite pepper sauce to taste. This works as a dip, sandwich spread, or can be added to hard-boiled egg yolk for a special twist on deviled eggs.

 Chia seeds are another source and can be mixed with almond milk for a fiber-rich pudding. With 5 grams of fiber per tablespoon, chia seeds can be added to smoothies, yogurt, pancakes, or other baked goods, and used as a thickener in recipes.

 For a summer treat puree a package of fresh strawberries with 2 cups of almond milk and ¼ cup of honey. Mix with ½ cup of chia seeds. The mixture will thicken to a pudding texture. Garnish with fresh strawberry slices and store in the refrigerator.

 All whole fruits and vegetables have fiber. More fiber means less cholesterol so if you have cholesterol concerns here is a non-drug approach. Whole grains contain fiber, as well as vitamins lost when grains are milled or processed. Here is a link to my new favorite bread, organic whole rye, from Germany. slice of this bread and you know you have eaten something good. Yes, rye has gluten, but this bread has far more nutrition than gluten-free options, and I don’t get the tiredness I feel when I eat commercial wheat products.

 Who knew that feeding your good bugs was one of the most effective ways to feed yourself? Those tiny critters are making B vitamins, hormones, and compounds like  Urolithin A that energize the engines of the cells called mitochondria. It is possible that we will be able to harness the gut microbe to make therapeutic agents that will handle diseases that drugs only suppress or manage. Those cute little bugs in our gut-biome may turn out to be our best intervention to create, maintain, and revitalize the body functions that give us vitality, energy, and longevity.

 So, let’s be very extremely cautious about the overuse of antibiotics that destroy the helpful microbes along with the bad guys. I can always help with building a strong immune system to avoid antibiotic use. And increasing fiber is one of the greatest changes you can make for your immune system, and support hormones and brain/cognitive health. There have been some reports that fiber can really help with weight loss, too. Fiber itself has no calories, because we don’t eat it-our microbes do!











Healthy is Holy in The Season of Jolly

Did you know that the word Holy has the same root as whole and heal? They all come to us from Old English, traced back through Dutch and German and originally from Old Norse heill. If you consider this a holy season, then you are also saying that it is a season to be whole and heal. 

 The word “health” has the same root. No wonder that restoration to health can be considered a miracle when someone is suffering.

 So, now is a time to mention some healthy basics we can all agree on.

 The Christmas/Holiday winter season, even in warm LA, is hard on our health, for all the obvious physical reasons. If sugarplums only danced in our heads they wouldn’t be a problem. But they seem to magically turn into sugar cookies (and chocolate truffles, and candy canes) on our plates. Sugar has something in common with viruses-increased inflammation, and suppressed immune response. 

 Alcohol stresses the liver, one of the main detox organs, and a major player in our immune system. And it suppresses our central nervous system, impairing a control center that we need to function well.

 But, the biggest factor in general health is our emotional health. The holidays can carry us in either direction. Some people find joy and happiness, and others are haunted by the sadness of ghosts from Christmas past.

 The challenges to our immune systems are greater than ever, but are not the same for all. Recovery from the 2020 virus seems to impart a great deal of natural immunity, according to the studies I have seen. Injections of medical drugs, even when they are meant to help, generally offer the body challenges because they are never “natural” and compatible with body processes. 

 Regardless of what your status is regarding the 2020 virus, there are things you can do to give yourself the best chance of staying healthy and strong through this next winter. If ever there was a time to be proactive, this is it. Virus variants are always with us, whether flu virus or others. Antibodies aren’t even the first line of defense. Active T-cells are first way the body defends itself. Kids have significantly higher T-cell response to pathogens than adults. That is probably why kids had such mild symptoms from the 2020 virus.

 There may be a false sense of security for those who have gotten the injection. I have seen issues with the immune system for some. Just like when you take antibiotics, your innate immune system needs to be supported with probiotics and immune boosters like Immuplex, Congaplex, Cat’s Claw (a herb I have come to love!) and Andographis. Black Cumin Seed Oil and Wormwood are two specific herbs that I highly recommend, as prevention and as treatment.

 There are inevitably going to be new “variants” because viruses like to survive and find more hosts. Fortunately, many decades of research and observation tell us that mutations are often less strong and more contagious. Witness the humble and ubiquitous Common Cold, a coronavirus that we humans share with each other every year. Think about the logic here-weaker strains mean that more people get infected and spread the virus around, which is the general goal of any particular virus.

 But the best thing is to be able to handle the exposure without getting sick.  One study showed that 70% of people in LA had antibodies against the 2020 virus. Only a fraction of those actually got sick and showed symptoms. We have no idea how often we might feel a little more tired one day for no apparent reason, and our immune system is actually successfully fighting off an invading bug. Kind of a miracle how that happens.

 Our immune systems are very powerful survival tools. Maintaining that tool in the best condition is a gift to ourselves, and our families and friends.

 Many of you have contacted me directly with questions about your health and protecting it. There is no one-size-fits-all in health and medicine. We each have unique needs. But there is common sense and awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses. 

 For those of you who want greater natural immunity, I can recommend certain things. Right now I have a few bottles of homeopathic treatment available. Contact me if you would like to find out more. 

 If you know that you have extra risk factors, such as being overweight, Diabetes, allergies, smoking or vaping, heart conditions, I do recommend not relying on the injection to keep you well. 

 As always, I recommend staying away from the news channels, because scaring us is their bread and butter. Fear is the greatest enemy of human intellect and good sense, and leads to the Dark Side, as Yoda warned. 

 Eat a lot of greens with those sugar cookies, and explore some non-sugar options like monk fruit and stevia. 

Mostly, I hope you will find a lot to be happy about. Our immune system may be internal, but so is our capacity for joy. Funny how the two may be linked!

 As always, I am here to help. 

 Wishing you a Holy, Healthy, Merry Christmas, and the most Peaceful and Happy Holidays ever. 






Knowledge is Power. Find Out What a Virus is and How to Prevent the Harmful Ones

I have been chatting to quite a few people about their concerns about the current virus scene and many of them don’t understand what a virus is and how it works in the body. So, this article will give some simple information and may help you to know more about protecting yourself from any harmful virus.

We think of germs as tiny living things that can cause illness. Did you ever hear your Mom tell you not to touch something because it had germs? Germs are microorganisms, which means they are very small. How small? A grain of sand harbors from 10,000 to 100,000 microorganisms!

Most microorganisms are harmless to humans, and some are vital to us because they are helpful and assist digestion and our immune system. Some cause illness. It is the job of our immune systems to sort out which are good for us and which need to be eliminated.

Viruses are a special class and different from bacteria. Bacteria cells divide and replicate, creating more bacteria. Bacteria need a food source to survive. Antibiotics can kill them because they are “alive”.  Some bacteria are killed by viruses, so not all viruses are bad for us.

Viruses do not divide and reproduce, so are not alive in the same sense. When a virus invades a host body it has to hijack the machinery of a cell to make new viruses. So the cell, instead of reproduce copies of itself, is forced to make new viruses which causes the cell to burst open and release more new invading viruses.

Viruses are probably the most abundant type of biological entity on earth. About 5000 different ones have been noted but probably a million types exist. We breathe in about 100,000,000 viruses any normal day! There are many different types. For example, viruses called bacteriophages attack bacteria, and this has some promise for treating bacterial infections and is being investigated as a cancer treatment in Eastern Europe.

There are several types of Coronavirus. They are called that because they have crown-like spikes when viewed under a microscope. Corona means crown. Other Coronaviruses include SARS, MERS, and the common cold 

So, now that you know a bit more about viruses, and you know that you cannot avoid them, let’s consider how to let them make you sick.

Medical doctors are trying to figure out why some people get sick and others don’t, when exposed to the same virus. This seems fairly easy to understand from a natural medicine point of view. Each person has unique strengths and weaknesses in their body and immune system.

Understanding that pathogenic viruses are sneaky devils, offers an opportunity to prevent them. You know all about the advice being blasted by the news media. Some of it is commons sense and some of it is designed to scare the living crap out of us, which only makes us more susceptible to getting sick.

All viruses are opportunistic. Their survival depends on “opportunities” to hijack living cells just like a car hijacker steals someone’s car. Since they cannot survive by themselves, they must use a cell in a live body to reproduce. And once they invade a living body they must take hold quickly before the host immune system mounts an attack.  Click here to see a video about how viruses invade cells and how the immune system stops them.

So, there are two ways to evade a virus. Since there are millions in the air on any given day, it does make sense to avoid people who are sneezing and coughing. Of course, many of those people have seasonal allergies, so it is hard to know who is sick and expelling cold and flu viruses, and who isn’t.

But, even better is to help your cells to resist the attack. One way to do that is to be sure you have plenty of minerals in your diet. And you need strong digestion to absorb minerals. Calcium and magnesium and zinc are some of the most important minerals, but that does not mean you should chew rocks. Vegetables are good sources of minerals. A low dose supplement may help. Make sure your stomach acid is strong. Apple cider vinegar, diluted in water, with a little raw honey added, is an old remedy during cold and flu season. Fresh squeezed lemon juice with some honey, diluted in water, is another good choice. If you are sugar sensitive you can use stevia or monk fruit instead.

The other way to ward off viruses is to make sure that your immune system is alert. Generally speaking, refined sugar suppresses the immune system. White blood cells become less active for five hours after we eat sugar. But there is some evidence that the sugar in fruit is helpful to the gut microbes that make up part of the immune system.

Common sense in nutrition prevails. Eat clean and healthy, and support your immune system so that it is ready and alert when needed.

See my next blog for specific ideas you can implement now.