No one really knows how the Heart symbol became associated with love. Early physicians from the ancient world thought that the heart was the location of the soul and emotions. It wasn't until the13th Century that Medieval Courts began to glorify romantic love, and the heart symbol has been used ever since.
Valentine’s Day seems particularly poignant this year because we are seeing so many heart issues recently. Without any speculation on the cause, I wanted to offer some solutions, since heart and cardiovascular issues are, and have been for some time, one of the greatest threats to health and longevity in our modern times. Women are underserved in this area because traditionally we have assigned heart attacks as a male threat, but it is also a risk for women.
Hearts are so much more than pumps, and we probably don’t really understand all we should about its real function in the body. The body is very electrical due to the bioelectricity of the nervous system. So, it’s not just the amount of cholesterol and the condition of the arteries that determines heart health.
The Functional Medicine Cardiologists, like Dr. Mark Houston from Nashville, assess heart health very differently. Their concern is the degree of inflammation in the arteries (the veins that carry the blood away from the heart), and the build-up of plaque. Cholesterol and fat are not the only components of plaque. Cellular waste products, calcium, and a protein called fibrin also contribute to plaque. There are a number of tests that can be done, with blood work and scans, to measure build up in the arteries..The really exciting thing is that there are ways to lower your risk by decreasing inflammation and plaque, that don’t use more natural and lifestyle interventions than pharmaceutical approaches.
One thing that anyone can add to their regimen is Nitric Oxide, which relaxes the wall of the arteries, and smooths the inner lining. Stiff arterial walls put you at higher risk.[i] This may lower blood pressure naturally, and may help prevent blood clots that lead to stroke and heart attacks. Nitric Oxide can even improve erectile dysfunction. That’s a lot of love from one supplement.
There are many Nitric Oxide supplements available on Amazon that boost NO production. Food sources include beets and leafy greens. Lifestyle also matters, so sleeping well, exercising, balancing blood sugar and maintaining an optimum weight are all vital, as well.
Our hearts beat with the rhythm of our lives, and soar when we are happy. We still associate the heart with emotions and generosity of spirit. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Empty heads and empty hearts can do that.”
You can probably agree that taking your health for granted is empty headed, so I am happy to give you suggestions to help you meet life with a full, and healthy, heart..
Wishing you the most wonderful Valentine’s Day, with all my heart.