Mood and Food-What the Science Shows

The results of a multi-national study published in December 2022 showed that the quality of nutritious food in the diet definitely impacted depression. Low quality, processed and ultra-processed foods and alcohol consumption were associated with higher rates of depression across the world.[i]

 This is hardly surprising, but it does point to the fact that governments and health agencies are negligent in forming policies to encourage healthy food consumption.

Depression has a dramatic effect on physical health, as well. So, the bottom line is that there is no escaping the fact that food is medicine.

 In fact, I suggest that we stop calling ultra-processed substances “food” and give it a new label. In the last two generations the amount and variety of crappy pseudo-foods and Frankenstein foods has increased dramatically over the years. It’s readily available everywhere and is probably addictive.

 The irony is that stress and depression sap motivation to prepare healthy foods, and that can become a dwindling spiral. Working at home puts us close to the kitchen and temptation. It takes discipline and planning to eat the most nutritious foods. Organic bagged salads cut prep time dramatically. Preparing healthy foods ahead and having them ready to eat handle those times when you arrive home starving and just want to reach for something immediate.

 My Mom worked back when many Moms stayed at home. Her hack was to prepare casseroles and put them in the oven set to start cooking at a pre-set time so they would be ready for the table when she arrived home. We always sat down to dinner together, every night. Most of my interactions with my Mom seemed to take place in the kitchen, and that is probably how I developed a love for cooking. And now I get to pass that legacy on by cooking meals with my lovely daughter-in-law.

 Of course, not everyone loves to cook. And that is a real challenge. People who don’t eat sufficient nutrients are starving their cells, regardless of their weight. Even if you don’t like to cook or know how to cook, someone has to be in charge of getting the nutrients you need into your system.

 Nutritious shakes can be lifesaving. I say that because I have seen shakes turn around a health crisis. I am using a new company has 100% whole food nutrition products. Their shake powder is vegetarian and has 100% certified organic or non-chemical ingredients. See text below for information from their site. This shake can be part of a two-week detox program, a weight-loss plan, or used every day to give you the nutrition that you are missing.  Standard Process also had excellent shake powders that also contain whey for added protein. If you spend money on coffee and treats, consider that money spent on vital nutrition will give back what you are depleting.

With all the health challenges of the last few years we can’t afford to be complacent, so super-charging our immune system starts with the basics of whole food nutrition. If you find that your mood is not as stable as you would like, try a fresh blast of real nutrition and see if notice a difference. Add in a daily walk to get away from screens and TV. Nature not drugs-a safe and effective approach, backed by studies.

