Empowered Self-Care to Celebrate American Independence


The Fourth of July is always a time to think about America and what it means to us. We are surely an opinionated lot, but that seems to go along with being human. One thing that I think of as American is being strong and self-sufficient. And that extends to every aspect of life.


There is a new term that I learned recently, Empowered Self-Care. The events of recent years have been a lesson in not relying on bureaucratic governance regarding our health. In fact, watching the missteps of the health agencies, the confused messaging, and the utter irresponsibility in issuing edicts that were untested, uninspired, and unusual was like watching an old black-and-white movie of fall-down comedians. Only, it was no laughing matter.


Sound nutritional advice, some basic vitamin interventions, and early acknowledgement of comorbidities might have done wonders for outcomes. Instead we got no genuine guidance, except to get stuck on a ventilator or wait for a vaccine. And meanwhile, the stress of lockdowns, the rampant drug and alcohol use, and the damage to kids who were scared witless or dropped out entirely is tragedy we will spend years trying to fix.


Fortunately, many of you already understood that you needed to take charge of taking care of yourselves and your families. That is what Empowered Self-Care is all about.


The real job of doctors is to empower their patients, to teach them that there are ways to ensure that the body function correctly. There is no substitute for lifestyle and food choices! All the medicine and all the supplements in the world can’t fix a body that is broken down from bad choices. Our environment is just too darn toxic and is already assaulting the immune system. And the temptation of crappy foods, and stress relief through abusing alcohol and chemical drugs is so great that it takes real strength to resist.


This isn’t a time to be wimpy. Our health care system needs an evolution, if not a revolution, to become a wellness model instead of a disease model where hospitals and pharmaceutical companies make out like bandits at our expense.


It’s not about winning the longevity lottery. It’s about managing your own body and health care so that you can stay out of the medical system and have the kind of vitality and over-all function to live the life that you want.

 Ben Franklin said, “Who is strong? He that can conquer his bad habits.”  

 Ben also said, “The U.S. Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.” 

 There isn’t much happiness if you aren’t feeling well.

 By the way, the most quintessential American herbal medicine may be Echinacea. The Native Americans used it and taught the settlers about it. Even then natural remedies not manufactured by early drug companies were vilified and Echinacea was called “snake oil,” a derogatory term still used today to denigrate natural medicine.


Many Native American tribes used Echinacea for a variety of ailments.[i]

Summary of Uses of Echinacea by Native Peoples

TRIBE-CHEYENNE: sore mouth and gums

COMANCHE; toothache, sore throat

Crow; colds, toothache, colic

DELEWARE; Gonorrhea


KIOWA; coughs and sore throat

MESKWAKI (Fox); cramps. fits

OMAHA; septic disease

SOUIX; bowels, tonsilliti

The use of Echinacea as a medicine was first noted by European botanist John Clayton, who lived between 1693 and 1773, so it’s use predates the American Revolution. Echinacea is a beautiful purple flower known also as Coneflower.


The real snake oil was brought be Chinese immigrants who worked on the railroads. They used Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a preparation used for arthritis was made from actual snake oil. [ii]


Echinacea is used today to help regulate the immune response against autoimmune conditions, colds, bronchial infections, and even cancer. It can be taken as a preventative and does not lose its efficacy when taken long-term. Mediherb makes the strongest Echinacea, compared to other brands potency.


America is a melting pot and we have so much to learn from each other. Imagine how that would empower each of us.


Let’s celebrate our strengths, our remarkable diversity, and our ability to think and act for ourselves (the very definition of independence.)


Have a Very Happy Fourth of July!








[i] https://www.christopherhobbs.com/library/articles-on-herbs-and-health/echinacea-from-native-american-pancea-to-modern-phytopharmaceutical/

[ii] https://wellnessjourneys.org/2019/06/05/the-history-of-echinacea/

Bouncing Back After COVID or Still Feeling Flat?

Some people seemed to sail through one or more bouts of COVID easily, just as some people had little or no reaction to the COVID shots.

Others suffered severe illness or reactions, and some people are still struggling with the after-effects.

This particular virus, and the spike-protein in the shots, seem to gravitate towards a person’s more vulnerable body system. So, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to treating any lingering effects. Some of the long-term symptomsinclude; brain fog, fatigue, feelings of depression, gastrointestinal disturbances, insomnia, joint pain, cough, breathing difficulties, headache, palpitations, nervous system disruption (dysautonomia) lightheadedness, chest pain, muscle pain, or a general feeling of unwellness.

Whenever a pharmaceutical medication is given, for any reason, I suggest increasing some basic nutrients and probiotics. Whole food sources of Vitamins B, C, A, and E support the immune system. Zinc and Vitamin D deficiencies have been associated with susceptibility to the virus. But mega-doses are never the right answer. Too much zinc will unbalance copper because it interferes wit copper absorption. Copper is vital for health red blood cells and for the integrity of the sheath that protects the nerve cells. Excessive Vitamin D affects the transport of calcium between blood and tissue. Consistent moderate doses of vitamins allow the body to select what it needs and discard the excess.

Although you can certainly overdose a single vitamin or mineral, most people are not getting even the most basic needed nutrients, based on the blood work results I have seen. That doesn’t mean go out and buy mega-dose vitamins. It means that it is best to do the hard work of eating as clean and healthy as possible, and taking certain supplements that are balanced enough so that the body can actually use them.

For example, a lot of people have been taking extra Vitamin C. But 90% of commercial C is peed out an hour after taking it. The body can’t use more than a few milligrams at any one time. That can make for some expensive urine. Whole food Vitamin C is low dose, but the body can easily incorporate it.

Force is not match for the intelligence of tweaking nutrient intake so that all the cells can do their job. Working out and exercising is important, but it only increases the demand for the building materials to perform and repair the body. Force also comes in the form of chemical solutions like medical drugs, performance drugs, or recreational drugs to help people.

The immune system has an enormous job. There is far more to it than just white blood cells that gobble up bacteria and viruses. You might say that the immune system is the security system for the body. It has to monitor not just external threats, but it has to recognize rogue cells and any breakdown or damage to the organs and structure itself, and try to coordinate a response. It sends up warning flares, such as poor sleep, rashes, indigestion, mood imbalances, and weight gain. So often these are ignored until there is a four-alarm fire.

Did you ever feel that your body had been invaded by something else? The microorganisms that make up the immune system of the gut aren’t human, for the most part. They are strains of microbes (bacteria, fungi, viruses) that weren’t part of our DNA when we were born. Think of them as seeds sown in the garden of our intestinal tract. The organisms from the Mother’s body are passed to the baby as it travels through the vaginal birth canal. That flora garden seems to be more in control of the body than we ever imagined. The gut microbes are talking to our brains, which means they are mightily influencing our hormones and nervous systems. There is some evidence that cognitive issues are correlated to gut issues. So, the old adage that health starts in the gut is truer than ever.

And the gut bacteria and their buddies don’t thrive on Taco Bell and donuts. They need lots of fiber from fruits and vegetables, and other whole foods. The beneficial ones don’t do well on sugar, just the nasty ones you don’t want to increase.

You can never go wrong if you improve gut health with probiotics and prebiotic fiber from plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding the un-foods that have taste but no sustenance. Neurological problems can linger after COVID. A happier gut may bring about a strong brain and nervous system. [i]

It may be a good idea to get some blood work to see how your immune system is doing in general, if the past two years have been a challenge, and you have gotten sick with COVID or flu symptoms more than once.

People are experiencing individual responses to recent health challenges, so an individualized approach is needed. Let me know if I can help you identify your own needs to restore yourself to a better state and make sure that you reverse any lingering damage if it exists. If you have gotten COVID more than once, your immune system is under performing and can be strengthened.

I have helped many people come back from COVID or any reactions to the shots, so please let me now if you have questions about your current state of health or energy. Don't wait if you are not at your best because your immune system is responsible for your long-term well-being.

The human immune system is a reflection of the natural world. Just as healthy soil yields robust plants, a flourishing immune system ensures that the body can repair and rejuvenate. That’s just basic science!

Which Famous Doctor Knows the Most About Nutrition?

As we head into 2022 I have many people contacting me about their general health and asking how to eat. There are often silver linings to times of crisis, and the past couple of years have made many more aware of how important it can be to stay well.

I also have people asking me what I think about published authors like Michael Pollan, Dr. Perlmutter, Dr. Gundry and Dr. Berg. All of these doctors emphasize the importance of food and nutrients to your energy and long-term health, and I applaud them for that. 

Long before so many dietary regimens like Paleo, Vegan, or Keto became popular, I considered myself an “Ancestral” nutritionists because I followed the scientific discoveries of Dr. Royal Lee and Dr. Weston A. Price. These last two were giants in the field of nutritional science last century, before pharmaceutical companies took over research. 

Both Dr. Lee and Dr. Price were trained as dentists, but each asked a question that few modern dentists even consider-why is there so much tooth decay, loss of teeth, and gum disease? We take it for granted that people have dental issues. Isn’t good dental health seeing your dentist frequently for x-rays, cleaning, and fillings, not to mention braces, implants, and prosthetics like bridges and false teeth? Or are these just costly and painful “solutions” to our inadequate dental health?

It could be said that the first sign of ill health may start in the mouth. Teeth are composed of a mineral complex. With vital minerals missing from our soil, causing us to eat food that is deficient, and high sugar diets that leach minerals, it is no wonder that we need dentists to fix the problems that dietary deficiencies cause. 

But you never hear your dentist talk about this subject, except to tell you to brush your teeth because sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth. The real dental education is how to eat so that your teeth are strong enough to stand up to bacteria, as well as how to create an oral environment of healthy bacteria that are not harmful to teeth. As with other organisms in the body, the helpful ones thrive on healthy foods and the harmful ones love junk and sugar. 

Dr. Weston Price wrote a book called, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” that has become a bible for nutritionists that encourage nutrient-dense foods. He photographed people all over the world who ate natural diets and documented their disease patterns. Those people, who ate like their ancestors, did not have diseases of modern civilization, like Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Obesity. They didn’t suffer from allergies and asthma and autoimmune disorders. 

They also birthed healthy babies, and stayed slim and active into old age.  

Imagine a world where we didn’t need vitamin supplements and frequent doctor visits for check ups to see which disease we are generating by our toxic environments and dead, lifeless foods. 

 We could have that world. There would still be a need for supporting health when extra stressors depleted nutrients, or caused a breakdown of organs or systems. But we could actually grow food for our physical survival and medicine, which is the actual purpose of food. Add in herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other non-invasive modalities, guided by wellness practitioners, and we wouldn’t have the epidemics of modern disease states.

Medical doctors could do what they technically do best-set bones and perform rare and necessary surgeries. Big Agriculture, Big Industrial Farming, and Big Food Companies, not to mention Big Pharma/Insurance/Hospital, would all have to go. Drug Cartels, Big Tobacco (now rapidly becoming Big Vape and Pot) and Big Alcohol are also contributing to the problem. These industries have a vested interest in keeping us weak, addicted, and sick. 

 When you realize that a high percentage of businesses in the Industrialized world have created problems that demand products and services they can sell, rather than offering genuine help, you become an independent consumer and builder of your own natural health and immunity.

 This does not mean that all the people who work in the named industries are bad people. Some of them truly wish to help alleviate suffering and help people to get well. But we are known by the company we keep, and there is a responsibility to look beneath the surface of anyone or anything that we support with our money and allegiance. 

 If you would like to learn about the work of one of the greatest nutritional researchers you can visit www.westonaprice.org. There you will find a wealth of material about healthy fats, raw milk, organic foods, and the superfoods valued by cultures that Dr. Price documented. Health freedom includes having the freedom to eat the nourishing foods that our cells crave and Nature provided.

 Leave rocket science to NASA and chemicals to the factories that manufactured them. The Healing Arts belong to those who walked the walk and touched patients’ lives with their wisdom and caring. You can never learn enough from a test tube. We humans bring a lot of stuff along with us-composed of experiences, emotions, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, not to mentions hopes and dreams. The stuff of Life. 

As we draw the curtain on a tough 2021, I wish a whole lot more Life for you in 2022. It takes courage to live a fully and energetically, so I hope that we are all brave enough and insightful enough to find more health and peace in the New Year.




Healthy is Holy in The Season of Jolly

Did you know that the word Holy has the same root as whole and heal? They all come to us from Old English, traced back through Dutch and German and originally from Old Norse heill. If you consider this a holy season, then you are also saying that it is a season to be whole and heal. 

 The word “health” has the same root. No wonder that restoration to health can be considered a miracle when someone is suffering.

 So, now is a time to mention some healthy basics we can all agree on.

 The Christmas/Holiday winter season, even in warm LA, is hard on our health, for all the obvious physical reasons. If sugarplums only danced in our heads they wouldn’t be a problem. But they seem to magically turn into sugar cookies (and chocolate truffles, and candy canes) on our plates. Sugar has something in common with viruses-increased inflammation, and suppressed immune response. 

 Alcohol stresses the liver, one of the main detox organs, and a major player in our immune system. And it suppresses our central nervous system, impairing a control center that we need to function well.

 But, the biggest factor in general health is our emotional health. The holidays can carry us in either direction. Some people find joy and happiness, and others are haunted by the sadness of ghosts from Christmas past.

 The challenges to our immune systems are greater than ever, but are not the same for all. Recovery from the 2020 virus seems to impart a great deal of natural immunity, according to the studies I have seen. Injections of medical drugs, even when they are meant to help, generally offer the body challenges because they are never “natural” and compatible with body processes. 

 Regardless of what your status is regarding the 2020 virus, there are things you can do to give yourself the best chance of staying healthy and strong through this next winter. If ever there was a time to be proactive, this is it. Virus variants are always with us, whether flu virus or others. Antibodies aren’t even the first line of defense. Active T-cells are first way the body defends itself. Kids have significantly higher T-cell response to pathogens than adults. That is probably why kids had such mild symptoms from the 2020 virus.

 There may be a false sense of security for those who have gotten the injection. I have seen issues with the immune system for some. Just like when you take antibiotics, your innate immune system needs to be supported with probiotics and immune boosters like Immuplex, Congaplex, Cat’s Claw (a herb I have come to love!) and Andographis. Black Cumin Seed Oil and Wormwood are two specific herbs that I highly recommend, as prevention and as treatment.

 There are inevitably going to be new “variants” because viruses like to survive and find more hosts. Fortunately, many decades of research and observation tell us that mutations are often less strong and more contagious. Witness the humble and ubiquitous Common Cold, a coronavirus that we humans share with each other every year. Think about the logic here-weaker strains mean that more people get infected and spread the virus around, which is the general goal of any particular virus.

 But the best thing is to be able to handle the exposure without getting sick.  One study showed that 70% of people in LA had antibodies against the 2020 virus. Only a fraction of those actually got sick and showed symptoms. We have no idea how often we might feel a little more tired one day for no apparent reason, and our immune system is actually successfully fighting off an invading bug. Kind of a miracle how that happens.

 Our immune systems are very powerful survival tools. Maintaining that tool in the best condition is a gift to ourselves, and our families and friends.

 Many of you have contacted me directly with questions about your health and protecting it. There is no one-size-fits-all in health and medicine. We each have unique needs. But there is common sense and awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses. 

 For those of you who want greater natural immunity, I can recommend certain things. Right now I have a few bottles of homeopathic treatment available. Contact me if you would like to find out more. 

 If you know that you have extra risk factors, such as being overweight, Diabetes, allergies, smoking or vaping, heart conditions, I do recommend not relying on the injection to keep you well. 

 As always, I recommend staying away from the news channels, because scaring us is their bread and butter. Fear is the greatest enemy of human intellect and good sense, and leads to the Dark Side, as Yoda warned. 

 Eat a lot of greens with those sugar cookies, and explore some non-sugar options like monk fruit and stevia. 

Mostly, I hope you will find a lot to be happy about. Our immune system may be internal, but so is our capacity for joy. Funny how the two may be linked!

 As always, I am here to help. 

 Wishing you a Holy, Healthy, Merry Christmas, and the most Peaceful and Happy Holidays ever.