Environmental stress

What's In a Flu Shot?

Nobody wants the flu. But getting a flu shot is like eating last year’s Christmas dinner for this year’s Thanksgiving. The current flu vaccine was made months ago, long before anyone knows what kinds of flu viruses will hit this year. The vaccine manufacturers try to guess what kinds of flu we will have. Based on what? Crystal ball gazing? There is absolutely no scientific way to guess what flu virus will make the rounds. So, you are exposing yourself to a new set of flu viruses that you might never have been exposed to.

Then there are vaccine additives that are highly toxic to human bodies. Ethylene glycol (also known as anti-freeze), Formaldehyde (used on dead bodies as a preservative and a known carcinogen), Aluminum (documented to cause neurological disorders), Mercury (one of the most toxic substances for humans in minute amounts), just to name a few.

Many flu vaccines are grown on eggs, so watch out if you have an egg allergy. I just found out that I have an allergy to egg yolk, which was a big surprise. Ask me about our new food allergy testing.

For more on the documented side-effects of flu vaccine see here. http://vaccineimpact.com/

In fact, the flu vaccine is only considered to be 56% effective across all groups and only 9% effective in seniors over 65. That may explain why you hear such varying reports from people, with some saying that the vaccine works and others complaining they had the worst flu ever after the vaccine. And don’t forget that the most common side-effect is flu-like symptoms. Isn’t that just like getting the flu?

If you choose to skip the vaccine, boost your immune system naturally. Most of my patients tell me that their immune system is much stronger on their supplement program and they can escape the flu even when everyone around them is sick.  A personalized program is best.

Here are some general tips:

Vitamin D is part of a good defense. Take a high quality fish oil supplement. Make sure it contains Vitamins D and A, which is how Nature always packages Vitamin D. Remember that it is not the dose that counts with vitamins, but how much your body can assimilate.

One of the strongest defenses against flu virus is to get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet. Many offices have candy and pastries shared daily, and sugar will lower your immune system for hours after consumption. The white blood cells that patrol for pathogens become lethargic after sugar consumption. Excess coffee and alcohol will also dehydrate you and lower your immune system.

Poor digestion will make you more susceptible to flu or any disease. The stomach acid needs to be strong in order to help you absorb minerals. Minerals help to keep cells walls strong. Viruses are not alive. They need to invade through cell walls and use the cell’s own mechanism to create more viruses. Digestive enzymes that contain Betaine HCL improve stomach acid. Apple Cider Vinegar is an old remedy for increasing stomach acid, as well.

The intestine is where the immune system resides mainly, so Probiotics may help to keep your gut flora stronger. Eating processed foods like white flour and junk foods gunks up the system and creates an environment for candida and other unhelpful organisms to grow out of control and take over. This is like having your garden over-run with weeds. Doing a gut detox before colder weather sets in would be a perfect way to prepare yourself for a healthier winter.

Adrenals are key for the immune system. Those little glands over the kidneys are involved in your stress response, whether stress is physical or emotional. If you have any allergies or asthma, your adrenals need support.

There are several supplements you can take to keep yourself stronger. Immuplex can be taken like a multi-vitamin. Herbal supplements like Echinacea Premium and Astragalus have immune support and anti-aging properties, as well.

We are here to help you stay well, not just in the winter, but all year.  This is a perfect time to do a Detox program, so get 10% off Detox supplements before November 5. That will give you enough time for a Detox by Thanksgiving. Or do a 10 Day Blood Sugar Balance program to get a grip on sugar cravings. You will sleep better and have more energy.

Be well!





Good News About Cancer

I am not writing to tell you about a new drug breakthrough, but about a group of people who are gathering information to help people become informed about preventing and treating the underlying causes of cancer. 

If you consider cancer to be the enemy, then knowing the enemy is your best defense. Understanding helps to lessen fear. 

We all know that the medical establishment owns the territory of cancer treatment. Although there is success in getting tumors to shrink and sending cancer into remission, all too often the cancer reappears in another part of the body, more aggressively than ever. The cancer treatment itself, chemotherapy, is carcinogenic, surgery may spread cancer cells, and radiation damages healthy tissue, as well as burning the cancer. I once asked a Pathologist (doctor who performs autopsies) what is the most damaging toxin he sees when he examines bodies after death. He told me that it is absolutely chemotherapy because “it turns the organs to mush”.  I have never forgotten that conversation.

So, the answer to cancer must lie in a) preventing it and b) addressing and correcting the underlying internal environment of the body that allows the cancer to take hold and take over. The only way to really get rid of cancer is to harness the ability of the immune system to seek out and eradicate the root cancer cells, which are stem cells or parent cells. All cells develop from stem cells. Cancer cells develop from stem cells gone rogue.

 The stem cells go rogue when there is an overload or imbalance or assault in the immune system. Restoring the innate ability of the immune system to regulate the body health is what holistic medicine does, and that is why lifestyle, nutrition and your mental/spiritual strength are the real keys to prevention.

If you would like to tap into this group of people who are sharing cancer prevention and holistic medicine information, and watch some documentaries on the subject click here. https://go.thetruthaboutcancer.com/?ref=27c139e2-d430-4c10-b82d-af3c7ea0db45

Be prepared for some shocks, because much of what you have been taught will be challenged. I thought I knew a lot about the general subject and I was surprised by some of the information presented.

Know that whatever steps you are taking to eat healthy food, maintain an optimum weight, take the right supplements, avoid toxins, and get your body moving are all smart ways to avoid any degenerative disease. The truth is pretty simple. The body needs some basics, and it works well when those basics are provided.

The immune challenges, like virus, fungus, chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, nutritional deficiencies, and parasites that seem to wreak havoc in the system and turn on mutant stem cells, can all be addressed. That is the good news.

If you watch the video, let me know what you think. There are nine parts and each one covers a different aspect of preventing cancer, and improving the immune system. You will need to purchase the video to watch the whole series.

Cancer is such a scary subject that many people just want to bury their heads in the sand, thinking it is a death sentence. This video series will reassure you that is not the case. Yes, you may need to make some changes in your life to prevent or treat cancer. There are many steps you can take today to lower your risk dramatically. I will be blogging more about that in the future. Knowledge is power, so spread the word. We are here to help, so let us know what help you need to have a bullet-proof Immune system.


Do You Know the Signs of Heavy Metal Toxicity?

All of us are exposed to heavy metals in the Western World.  Metals may be food, air, or water borne. You may work in an environment that uses heavy metals such as construction, agricultural, manufacturing or other industries. Corrosion may cause an exposure when a metal was used as an element, such as lead in pipes.

A metal may be a trace metal in tiny amounts that is essential in the body, such as copper. But even a vital metal is a problem when it overwhelms the body’s ability to excrete excess, and stores in the body, eventually causing cellular damage. Many metals are toxic to nerve cells, for example. Heavy metals will cause organ damage and often store in the small intestine, wreaking havoc with digestion and compromising the immune system in the gut. They are also known to be cancer-causing.

The good news is that toxic metals can be removed from the body by getting a substance to bind with them and pull them out, or increasing the body’s ability to push them out through detoxification pathways. When the heavy metal burden is reduced, the opportunity for healing the organ or tissue is greatly improved.

Here are some symptoms of metal toxicity: Fatigue, weakness, joint pain, digestive issues, brain fog, constipation, ulcers, sperm damage, headache, poor attention span, irritability, loss of memory, lower IQ, decreased attention span, anti-social behavior, kidney damage. Metals will interfere with enzyme function or cause DNA damage. If you are considering pregnancy, it may be very important to reduce your heavy metal burden before getting pregnant. If you want to prevent cancer, there are few steps you can take that would be more helpful than reducing your toxic metals. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4144270/

The most toxic metals are mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Knowing if you have an over-burden of these metals can help you take charge of your health, and protect your cells and organs in the long term. https://public.health.oregon.gov/HealthyEnvironments/HealthyNeighborhoods/LeadPoisoning/MedicalProvidersLaboratories/Documents/HeavyMetals.pdf

Now there is a simple dried-urine test (pee on a strip) that identifies if you have toxic metal over-load. The test also reveals your levels of the essential trace minerals of iodine and selenium, which are vital for heart health and to protect you against cancer. Bromine can bind with cell receptors to prevent you from being able to utilize iodine and the test checks your bromine level, also. Bromine is a common ingredient in commercial bread products.

The price of the heavy metal test is normally $205. For the month of October, get a $20 discount. If you have a heavy metal over-load, supplements or a detoxification program can reduce the burden. This may improve your symptoms and will reduce your risk of serious health issues. We live in a toxic environment. Until we can reduce the environmental toxins by getting industries to clean up their act and stop poisoning us, all we can do is help our bodies to cope with the health consequences.

The test is a simple test you take at home and send it to the lab. The results may change your life. Every step you take to rid your body of toxins, chemical, metal or pathogenic, will improve your chances of feeling your best, and reducing your risk of serious disease. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/metalsheavy/

Call the office to order your test kit. You don’t need an appointment and we can also mail the kit to you and send you the supplements, as well, if the results indicate that you need to reduce heavy metals. Find out if you are at risk and help your body stay strong.








Anne Dunev, PhD, C.N. has over twenty years experience helping people feel better by finding the root cause of what is causing their symptoms. Addressing that with the correct natural and nutritional medicine is her strength. With help restoring balance and function, thousands of people are living happier, healthier lives.