There used to be a commercial for potato chips that bragged, “Bet you can’t eat just one.” What is it about some foods that make them so hard to stop? We could go into the biochemistry of taste buds, and stimulation of receptors in the brain that trigger some natural chemicals that we associate with pleasure. Or we could talk about willpower. But most of us can agree that there are times that we want to just keep eating.
There is a special substance that can help. The name of it is Inositol, and I have used it for years to help kids, my own and others, to balance their blood sugar at holidays and birthdays.
In the past, Inositol was named Vitamin B 8, but now it is known that the body makes Inositol out of glucose, the type of sugar that is in the blood. Inositol actually helps to regulate blood sugar, and may be as therapeutic as Metformin for increasing insulin sensitivity, which allows glucose to be taken up into cells to be used for energy. Ironically, diets high in sugar may suppress inositol, but supplementing with inositol improves sugar handling.[i]
It turns out that higher doses of inositol can help people to stop over-indulging.[ii] And there is more good news. Inositol is naturally slightly sweet, so it blends well as a powder when added to drinks or smoothies. And the tablet form is chewable, so it is easy for kids to take.
As with any new supplement that requires a higher dose, I always suggest starting slowly and working up. Inositol can be used as part of a weight loss program, or to break a pattern of binging. Inositol will help balance blood sugar, so it can be used for those at risk for diabetes.
Getting blood sugar markers checked is one of the best ways to predict your risk for future catastrophic illness such as cancer or heart disease or the insulin resistance that leads to Diabetes. The immune system and the gut biome are also adversely affected by the foods that lead to binging and over-eating.
No one chooses to eat too much cauliflower or kale. It’s the processed foods, the sugars and simple carbs, and the junk food full of artificial flavors that grab us and turn on the cravings.
You can use inositol regularly to help curb appetite or use it when the junk food junkie pays a visit.
Inositol plays a pivotal role in many types of therapy, as a vital component in more complex molecules. Inositol has often been used for women who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is another form of metabolic disease and sugar disregulation. It has also been helpful for respiratory distress and Alzheimer’s.[iii]
Contact me about either tablets or powder. As usual, Standard Process makes the best Inositol. Other benefits of Inositol include reduction of nerve pain. I have recommended it for shingles and herpes. Inositol is a standard treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is another type of blood sugar issue. And Alzheimer’s is considered by many researchers to be Diabetes Type 3, so Inositol might be helpful for cognitive issues, as well.
New research shows that, for the first time in human history, obesity is a greater health risk than malnourishment. People are eating themselves to death, if slowly. We need all the help we can get to fight against overeating, since the Big Food companies and Big Farming puts profits before human health. And Big Pharma is only too happy to pick up the pieces and get us on as many drugs as possible to treat the illnesses caused by Frankenstein foods and chemical poisons like glyphosate.
Will power is important, but we are up against some heavy marketing and tough temptations at every turn.
Inositol may be a way to fight back. Contact me if you would like to try some Inositol for yourself or your kids.