Need More Coffee-or Could You “B” Vitamin Deficient?

Personally I really like miracles. As a certified Nutrition geek, I like it when things happen so fast and so well that it seems like miracle.

That is what I have seen with certain B vitamins. I have seen pain diminish in 5 minutes. I have seen heart palpitations and panic attacks subside in a matter of days. I have seen men improve their heart rhythm so much that they get taken off their heart medication in a matter of months.

For over a century we have known that B vitamin deficiencies caused a number of nutritional diseases. And I submit to you that many so-called diseases with longer, fancier names are actually B vitamin deficiencies dressed up in tinsel.  You might consider that many heart conditions are actually deficiencies and are preventable with a proper evaluation and nutritional handling. We might well cut heart disease dramatically if we treated the root cause, and not wait until a serious heart condition develops-or until someone drops dead.

Metabolism is dependent on B vitamins, so weight loss may not occur without B’s. Pain in the body, the kind that gets diagnosed as “chronic fatigue” may well have a base as a B1 (Thiamine) vitamin deficiency. Muscle and heart pain may also respond well to natural B therapy.

How does a B Vitamin reduce your waistline and reduce pain? The lack one B vitamin, called Thiamine or B1, prevents the breaking down of glucose (blood sugar)

to an energy source for the cells. This lack will cause production of lactic and pyruvic acids. These build up in the blood stream and cause fatigue and muscle pain, as well as putting strain on the heart.

B vitamins are water-soluble and do not store in the body, so care must be taken to get some in the diet every day. By definition a vitamin means “vital for life”. So, synthetic B vitamins, those made in a laboratory out of carbon compounds, are not actually vitamins. Humans don’t need synthetic B’s, but they do need food source B vitamins.

Our bread and grain products are now so processed that all the vitamins like B’s and E that Nature endowed are lost. Food manufacturers then add synthetic B’s to bread and that just doesn’t cut it. They only add a few back in, and they are poorly utilized because they are cheap imitations of the real, live nutrients, so don’t expect to get the B’s you need from bread. Brown rice is a good source, although high glycemic, so may spike blood sugar. Wild rice is a grass, so gluten-free, and it contains B vitamins and minerals, so may be a good choice. Liver (choose organic!) is a perfect source of natural B’s. Meat and organic eggs have some B vitamins. Wheat germ, blackstrap molasses and brewer’s yeast are all good sources. Most vegetables and fruits do not have significant B’s.

You can supplement safely, but using a whole food source of B’s, such as Cataplex B and Cataplex G (named for muscle testing pioneer Dr. George Goodheart) will do you heart, liver and adrenals a world of good. Medications, drugs and alcohol, as well as stress, all deplete B vitamins significantly. So, if you are trying to kick any food or substance habits, including coffee, B vitamins are a must.

Call or come in to see if B supplements can give you a miracle. Or maybe they will just give you a better quality of life, with a side-effect of a healthier heart.