Have a Better 2019 By Getting Rid of Things That Bug You


One of my Pinterest boards is called “Health Beyond Diet”. And if you know me, you know that I think that food is medicine, but mental and spiritual health is even more important for optimal physical health. So, here are some ideas for starting 2019 on a great path, not by eliminating the things you enjoy, but by getting rid of the things you don’t.

This idea came from one of my mentors, a Naturopathic doctor named Ronda Nelson, who teaches for Standard Process. She calls it eliminating the “Intolerables”. Intolerables are things that are bugging you, or are just not up to your personal aesthetics or standards. Like that closet or room that needs to be sorted out or put in order, and getting rid of things you don’t want anymore.

You start by making a list of things that are irritating you in your life, big or little, and then once you have your list you handle them one at a time. An old habit would be an example, or a routine that keeps you from accomplishing something you wish you could do more of. This can apply to your home, your work  space, your business, or even relationships. You can probably look around the room you are sitting in right now and see something that is not how you would really like it, and that bugs you even a little bit.

We all can fall into ruts. And we all ignore areas of our lives that it would take just a bit of time and effort to improve, putting it off until we “have” more time, instead of making the time now. It can take some time to really make a list of intolerables. You can make lists in your phone or on a small notepad you keep with you, so you can jot down your intolerables as you spot them. Then cross them out as you handle them and see how that feels.

Eliminating the intolerances can pave the way to adding more of the things that you love and give you more joy in your life. That cuts down on stress levels, and will bring about better health!

One of my Pinterest boards is called “Health Beyond Diet”. And if you know me, you know that I think that food is medicine, but mental and spiritual health is even more important for optimal physical health. So, here are some ideas for starting 2019 on a great path, not by eliminating the things you enjoy, but by getting rid of the things you don’t.
This idea came from one of my mentors, a Naturopathic doctor named Ronda Nelson, who teaches for Standard Process. She calls it eliminating the “Intolerables”. Intolerables are things that are bugging you, or are just not up to your personal aesthetics or standards. Like that closet or room that needs to be sorted out or put in order, and getting rid of things you don’t want anymore.
You start by making a list of things that are irritating you in your life, big or little, and then once you have your list you handle them one at a time. An old habit would be an example, or a routine that keeps you from accomplishing something you wish you could do more of. This can apply to your home, your work  space, your business, or even relationships. You can probably look around the room you are sitting in right now and see something that is not how you would really like it, and that bugs you even a little bit. Maybe one of the reasons for our feelings of overwhelm or brain fog is because we have too much stuff around us, or what we have is not in good order. Or at the least tackling the physical environment can make you feel you are doing something positive and concrete in your life.

This may include relationships that make you feel overwhelmed or confused. There are a lot of people on this planet, so statistically there are bound to be some that are a good fit for you, and are fun to be around. This includes people you  have to work with. 
We all can fall into ruts. And we all ignore areas of our lives that it would take just a bit of time and effort to improve, putting it off until we “have” more time, instead of making the time now. It can take some effort to really make a list of intolerables. You can make lists on your phone or on a small notepad you keep with you, so you can jot down your intolerables as you spot them. Then cross them out as you handle them and see how that feels. 

Another way to look at this is to get rid of things that do not give you joy. I started to apply this to my closet and it has helped me part with clothes I was hanging on to in case I might need them at some future date. Now, if a garment does not bring me joy, I don't consider how much I spent or if it is a good basic to have. And now I "enjoy" more the things that do bring me some joy, and my closet is a happier place. I Iearned this tip from Marie Kondo https://www.latimes.com/home/la-hm-marie-kondo-20160206-story.html

If finding time for all the things you want to do (like listing your intolerances, or clearing out clutter) check out this Youtube video about organizing your day into blocks of activities and see if this works for you. We all have 24 hours in the day, so learning to be a master rather than a slave to time may be easier than you knew. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKuSlstIBM

Eliminating the intolerances and increasing your joy-quoitent can pave the way to adding more of the things that you love and give you more joy in your life. That cuts down on stress levels, and will bring about better health!

Let me know any tips you have on how you are de-stressing and improving your life this year.