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What Can We Learn From Iron Man?

If you have ever been diagnosed with anemia, you know how important iron is to your energy levels. There are physical reasons for fatigue that go beyond sleep patterns and late nights.

But new research has linked low Ferritin levels (stored iron) to worsening mental health symptoms. [i]Iron not only helps the red blood vessels to carry oxygen through the blood system, but it also plays a role in how your body makes the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine. These vital chemical messengers direct the brain and nervous system. Research is suggesting there may be a connection between low iron levels and depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.

One of the very best ways to get dietary iron is to eat red meat. But so many people are avoiding red meat these days, and grass-fed organic meat is very pricey. Chicken and fish are healthy sources of protein, but they don’t provide iron. There may be other constituents in meat that support how our bodies use iron, too.

Despite the cautions from the medical world against eating red meat, it is well known that menstruating women need red meat to help replace the nutrients lost from the menstrual cycle.

Children are also likely to miss out on red meat if they are eating pasta and bread products more than protein. Anyone eating ultra-processed foods needs more nutrients than those who have a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Ferritin levels are easily tested with a blood test. Let me know if you suspect you or your loved ones are low. Iron supplementation is best from natural supplements because prescription iron commonly causes constipation.

We can’t outguess Mother Nature when it comes to the vital nutrients needed to make the body function correctly. During pregnancy iron levels are checked because iron-rich blood is vital for the baby’s development and to ensure a healthy life for Mothers after the birth. Many Moms end up deficient in iron and perhaps this explains some cases of post-partum depression. The research suggests that the current recommended levels of ferritin of 30 ng/ml may be too low and 100 ng/ml may be a better level for general well being.  

Iron supplements should not be over consumed, either, so there is no recommendation to take high doses. Most nutrients are better utilized if they are built up slowly because that is how Nature provides them.

If you are feeling anxious, down, or tired a blood test may be a simple way to find out if there is a physical cause.

Keep flying with your batteries fully charged!

[i] “Iron Deficiency’s Unseen Impact on Mental Health,” May 30, 2023.