Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
The standard advice for elevated blood pressure has been to reduce salt intake. However, salt is a vital mineral and the human body cannot function without salt.
Even if you reduce salt to a minimum, the salt content of the blood remains the same as someone who over-salts their food. The body maintains a consistent level of salt in the blood.
New research indicates that the benefits of cutting out salt are debatable, and may even increase your risk of heart disease. ?ttp://www.medicaldaily.com/sugar-hurts-heart-health-more-salt-mostly-heart-disease-and-blood-pressure-313780
Of course, no one is suggesting that you should eat processed or fast foods, which do contain levels of sodium that are off the charts. But salting your whole, natural foods to taste, with sea salt or Himalayan salt, both of which contain other trace minerals, appears to be beneficial. And if your adrenals are weak, salt is even more vital. http://www.drlam.com/articles/adrenal_fatigue_and_blood_pressure.asp
How can you safely lower your blood pressure? By reducing sugar. Eating 25% of your calories from sugar can triple your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Sugar causes inflammation which is more damaging to your arteries than salt.
Fruit sugar is not the culprit, although I suggest limiting your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day to see if your body responds better. Fruit juice should be completely avoided. High fructose corn syrup and agave should never be used. Agave is just anther form of high fructose corn syrup, made from cactus.
Honey in moderation should not pose too much risk, and real maple syrup may be enjoyed. If you also have Diabetes, even these sweeteners should be used only in the smallest amounts.
Bread and other simple carbs like rice, oats, and corn also break down into sugar in the blood, so regard these as foods to avoid.
If you are on blood pressure medication, and you increase your healthy fats, and limit sugar and grains, you will have to monitor yourself carefully because your need for medication may diminish or cease altogether. Work with your prescribing physician to adjust your medication accordingly.
One diet plan that you can try is the Ketogenic plan. It is Paleo to the extreme and will challenge all we have been taught about healthy eating. Ketogenic eating causes your body and brain to operate off ketones instead of glucose and it is how many people like Inuits (Eskimos) have eaten traditionally. The Inuits had no history of heart disease, cancer, obesity or Diabetes. So they were on to something! To calculate your ratio of carbs to fat to protein and calories you should consume, you can use the Ketogenic calculator. http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ Check it out-you may be surprised what it says.
One factor in blood pressure appears to be the flexibility of our veins and arteries. Naturally aging and poor diet can make arteries stiff and brittle. Blueberries consumed daily appear to reduce inflammation, measured in blood work as C-reactive protein, and to reduce blood pressure over an eight-week period. Frozen blueberries may be used, so you may want to include blueberries as your daily serving or fruit. http://www.medicaldaily.com/blueberries-may-help-control-blood-pressure-321276
My theory on aging is that it is all about keeping the body supple and hydrated, with water, good oils and minerals. How you eat has everything to do with how your feel and how well your body functions. We don’t treat our cars as badly as we do our bodies. A new car only becomes a vintage collectible when someone gives it the proper maintenance all its life!